Evo, doslo je. Novo regulaciono telo, uspostavljeno kao nezavisno, donelo je novi pravilnik (koji ce biti zakon) o radijaciji i evakuaciji.

Da je bio na snazi, po njemu bi bili evakuisani svi u krugu od 5km (ne 20km kao pre) i pre nego sto je poznato da li ima radijacije i kolika je.
Dalje, do sada je bilo da ako radijacija predje 1 milisevert na sat (u Evropi je 100 miliseverta ta granica), evakuacija.
Po novom, 500 miliseverta (ne 1 milisevert kao do sada) evakuacija smesta a za 20 miliseverta da se stanovnistvo evakuise u roku od nedelju dana.

Sta bi bilo da je ovaj pravilnik bio na snazi u martu 2001?

Evakuacija u krugu od 5km bi bila jednostavna - tamo niko nije ni ziveo a i da jeste tamo nije ostao kamen na kamenu od tsunamija. Prakticno, niko ne bi bio evakuisan.

Radijacija je bila 2-4 milisieverta (pola od onoga sto dobiju piloti i stjuardese tradeci svoj posao) odmah uz ogradu Fukushima nuklearke a u krugu od 20km je bila beznacajna. Niko, pogotovo ne 150 hiljada ljudi, ne bi bio evakuisan.

Histerija koju su mediji napravili pruzrokovala je decivilizacijski pomak i odustajanje od nulearki i zatvaranje postojecih.
Licno zelim da ih sve otvore i da je Fukusima samo pokazatelj koliko su bezbedne. Dosta vise davanja para skleroticnim feudalnim dinastijama Bliskog Istoka za naftu.

NRA releases revised nuclear disaster guidelines
National Feb. 28, 2013 - 12:50PM JST ( 2 )
The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has released revised guidelines regarding nuclear disaster evacuation measures.

Changes to the guidelines were minor, but include those calling for stricter evacuation rules. The revised guidelines were finalized after a two-week public comment period from Jan 30, during which 3,155 comments were received from members of the public.

TBS reported Thursday that the guidelines include a recommendation for the immediate evacuation of residents living near nuclear power plants if estimated radiation doses reach 500 microsieverts per hour. The new guidelines also state that evacuation must be completed within around one week if projected radiation doses rise to 20 microsieverts per hour.

However, the rules reportedly provoked condemnation from some members of the public for failing to represent the public’s wishes, for adopting high working dose levels and for failing to consider pregnant women and infants.

Under the NRA’s new guidelines, areas within 5 kilometers of nuclear power plants are to be designated precautionary action zones. Residents living within these zones will be required to evacuate immediately in the event of an incident, even without confirmation that radioactive materials have been released. The guidelines also recommend that iodine be distributed to residences within 5 km in advance of crises.

Areas from five kilometers to 30 kilometers from plants are to be classified Preventative Emergency Action Zones. In these areas evacuation procedures and other measures must be drawn up by local governments in advance. However, some comments received from members of the public reportedly expressed the view that zones should cover wider areas. The NRA responded that the guidelines do not ban preventative measures beyond the established zones.

The NRA stated that local governments will have until March 18 to draw up their own evacuation procedures based on the NRA’s latest guideline revision.