Ovu glupost moram da zakucam.
Neko ce na osnovu naslova da prenese "Australija rekla svojim gradjanima da ne putuju u Tajland".
Na osnovu clanka ispod gde je urednik i ne citajuci sta pise stavio naslov kakav je stavio.
A o cemu se radi? To se odnosi na 4 juzne provincije, 1,500km od Bangkoka (kao Beograd - Atina) i to upozorenje je isto od 2003, nije se menjalo citavih 11 godina.

Status za putovanje u Thai je "Caution", daleko od "Don't travel" kao sto je za Jemen, Irak, Afganistan, Somaliju, Libiju.

A i sta ces. Da urednik nesto zna ne bi radio u novinama.

Aussies warned not to travel to Thailand

Meanwhile, the Department of Foreign Affairs has issued a "do not travel" warning for four Thailand provinces.
The department says people should not venture to Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla.
It has also advised against travel overland to and from the Malaysian border through those provinces, due to what it calls high levels of ongoing violence.
Julie Bishop says travellers to Thailand should watch for further changes in warnings from the department as the situation unfolds.
"Our consulate officials will be updating our travel advice. We'll continue to closely monitor the situation and update the travel advice regularly. So I urge people to consult the Smart Traveller website and, if they are travelling to Thailand, to take out travel insurance. It is a volatile situation."SBS 22.05.14