Srecna i uspesna Nova godina svima.

Statua ovce (godina ovce je bila 2015) je jutros zamenjena statuom majmuna, za "Godinu Majmuna" po kineskom lunarnom kalendaru.

Ko (kao ja) ne zna tacno koja je koja godina u kineskom kalendaru, podsetnik:

Google kaze o osobama rodjenim u godini majmuna:

Monkey years draw their nature from the animal of the year. The Monkey is an intelligent, witty, and inventive animal. They are problem solvers, working with their group while simultaneously demonstrating an independence associated with achievers. The nimble monkey is playful, youthful in nature, and is a joy to watch as they move from activity to activity.

The monkey is one of the symbolical animals corresponding to or having affinity with the ninth of the Twelve Terrestrial Branches, called the “Shen” Branch, and symbolises irrepressible curiosity and creative energy. Though worshipped to some extent by the Buddhists, the Monkey is commonly regarded as the emblem of trickery.

In the traditional Chinese mind, which is echoed in the annually-reprinted ancient almanac, the Monkey is very intelligent, hyperactive and strong-minded. He represents the unfettered mind freed from inhibitions and guilt. Relieving himself from the heavy burdens of a touchy conscience, the Monkey type will not hesitate to test his theories, experiment and think the unthinkable. In his domain, everything is possible. What is difficult, he could do right away; what is impossible may take a little longer.

All the animals have a shadow side, and the Monkey is no exception. The problem solving tendencies can turn the Monkey to being a tricky tactician, opportunistic and not all that trustworthy. The youthfulness hides an unscrupulous adolescent, and the independence can turn to unfaithfulness.