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Thread: Bio je napad na sajt

  1. #1
    Chairman of the Bored yoyogi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Bio je napad na sajt

    Primetio sam jedan post i odmah obrisao i njega i korisnika (za koga ne znam kako je dobio pravo da postuje).

    U stvari, bilo je ovo, od sajt provajdera:

    As you may be aware already, our network, and potentially your account,
    was the target of a large scale website defacing attack on Sunday,
    September 25th. We understand and share the upset and frustration felt
    by all of our affected customers. Please know that we are working as
    fast as possible to help all customers repair their sites.

    The defacement worked by replacing index files in all public_html
    directories with the attacker's index.php. At this time, it does not
    appear to be any more malicious than taking over the web site's home
    page, but we are still reviewing servers at this time.

    Ispada da je dobro proslo i da je provajder dobro uradio.

    To je van moje moci. Osim da svaki dan brisem 20-50 spamera koji pokusavaju da budu korisnici Foruma i da imam bekap od prethodnog dana (opet, to je na serveru provajdera).
    Azija, moja dežela.

  2. #2
    Chairman of the Bored yoyogi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Bio je opet napad na sajt. Sadrzaj je bio sacuvan, bice sve vraceno. Danas cu da povezem slike sa postovima.
    Azija, moja dežela.

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